Elementary school was fun while it lasted. If only our little selves knew how much school would quickly turn from parties and coloring books to anxiety and depression. The younger versions of ourselves shouldn’t have taken those pizza parties for granted, nor the days our teacher turned out the lights and put on a movie for the class. But as we progress through high school, we are led to one of our most unpleasant problems: shorter summer. In the summer, we have freedom, pool days, late nights, and a chance to spend most of our time out in the sun. But the clock ticks as those fun days go by and we end up returning to the school classrooms once again.
This upcoming year, Noblesville High School will be starting school on July 31st. And it seems like almost no one is happy about it. Every day we are faced with more assignments piling up in front of us which end up suppressing students’ desire to put forth any effort. This dilemma no longer applies only to school; high school students are joining the workforce, adding even more weight to their already busy schedules.
Starting school one day earlier than what students expect is a step closer to the thing students dread most: busy work. We come closer to less sleep and more work, more stress and less motivation. For sophomore Eliana Baiza, her packed schedule consists of hours of school, working late afterwards, and more homework. And she feels like it will keep continuing.
“School is cutting the amount of time we have to take a break and to relax to decompress from school,” Baiza said.
Although students have a two month break to prepare for the next school year with new notebooks, pencils, and folders, we are also challenged with the jobs that we take on during that break. Many students work their fingers to the bone for almost every hour available.
However, growing up means responsibility, and as we start to pay for our own expenses, that only means more hours and shifts are taken. We do it to put a dollar in our pocket for things like gas, a social life, or saving up for the future.
“Personally, [school] is really draining because I work a lot, so on top of those hours [I have] homework. I don’t get off of work till 10:30,” Baiza said, “I’ll have to do my homework, go to sleep then do it all over again.”
Everyone needs a break. A student’s brain is still maturing, growing, and adapting. Yet teenagers are forced to prioritize school and work over their own mental health.
But we cannot do anything about it.
Though high schoolers are still kids, we have no choice but to struggle. When we would rather lean towards love and support.
We yearn for relief every day because our lives are so stressful. Pay attention to these students and how they handle this shorter break. From what we see, one day more could give us, the students, an extra day to prepare for what the education system throws at us next.