Leading up to the ball drop, billions of people around the world reflected on the last 365 days, deciding to make a change. But every year only six percent of New Year’s resolutions are kept for a long period of time. The start of a new year can lead to a rebirth where someone takes the opportunity to better themselves. On the other hand, failing a New Year’s resolution can be crushing. The hope for improvement can be really difficult to deal with. However, to start 2025, many Millers are looking to take the first steps toward a better year.
Cooper Click: junior
“I would like to read twenty books this year. My sister got me into it, she reads a lot. I figured, it’s January, it’s time for a new start, so I’m excited. My goal through reading is to improve my vocabulary.”
Layla Valentine- sophomore
“Last semester, I struggled to stay productive outside of school. I thought if I was productive outside of school, it would help my grades out a ton. I usually have at least one night a week of free time and instead of wasting that time, I use it to focus on schoolwork. I’m not scared of not being able to follow through because I feel better when I stay ahead of my work.”
Brayden Livingston:
”My mom is making my family be on our phone less. We are going to be on three hours of total screen time a day. I actually feel pretty good about having to be on my phone less, I have to focus on studying and less on scrolling through social media. With this free time, I am going to go to the gym every day to work on my health.”