Lance Scheib steps down

Photo by Phot provided by Varsity Views

Lance Scheib speaking to officials during the Miller’s game vs. Lawrence North on August 21st. The Millers defeated the Wildcats 55-50.

Connor Mills and Taylor Crowe

After eight years with the NHS football program, Lance Scheib has stepped down as head coach of the Millers. After two wins to start the 2015 season, the team dropped seven of their next eight games to finish 3-7.

Over his tenure with Noblesville, Scheib’s teams achieved a 30-52 record. In 2013 and 2014, he lead the Millers over the .500 win mark for the first time since the 2006 season.

According to NHS Athletic Director Mike Hasch, Scheib met Thursday with the Athletic Department to discuss Scheib’s future with the team.

“We talked about the program and where we were, and coach thought it was time to have new leadership,” Hasch said.

Scheib voiced his displeasure with the end results of his teams while stating that he likes the structure that was put into place.

“I felt for the players and the program it was best for them to hear a different voice,” Scheib said.

The team was informed of the news this afternoon. Players said they were sorry to see their coach leave.

“He will be missed in our program, but it will be interesting to see who steps in,” junior cornerback Harris Camp said.

Many other players had nothing but high praise for Scheib.

“He’s been such a positive role model and helped guide kids to a promising future,” junior quarterback McGwire Plumer said.

Many of Scheib’s players spoke of the strong connection they developed with their coach over the years. According to players, he not only inspired them, but everyone surrounding the program as well.

“He’s done so much for the community in ways that people don’t even know. He’s a lot more than a head coach to some of these kids,” junior defensive lineman Scott Berghoff said.

Scheib has been a head coach since he graduated from Purdue University in 1990 where he played football, winning a letter all four years. After previously coaching at Lebanon High School and Franklin Central High School, Scheib made NHS his third coaching stop in 2008.

There have been no reports of Scheib leaving to take a job elsewhere. According to Noblesville Schools, Scheib will retain his current position as a U.S. History teacher at the high school.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.