Shuler takes the call
October 14, 2016
It’s a face that’s seen everyday. Always smiling, always friendly. Always ready to help. The is the face of Gwen Shuler, the secretary at Student Services. Shuler has been working at the high school for ten years, seven of those at the Freshman Campus.
Q: Do you enjoy working for high school students? Why?
A: I really enjoy working with teenagers. I find that young people have a positive and enthusiastic outlook on life and
the world. I’m amazed at students’ creativity and ingenuity in their work and projects. I really care about the students and want them to have a great high school experience. I hope they leave NHS and have success and meet their goals in their future. I love being able to see students grow and mature through their four years here and go on to make good decisions and choices. I learn so much from the students, and I hope they learn from me to be helpful and pleasant to anyone who is in need or has a question. Basically, treat people as you’d want to be treated.
Q: What does your job entail?
A: I am responsible for effectively and efficiently running Student Services. Which means I am support staff to both our Deans, the At-Risk Coordinator, and our SRO Officer Johnston. I also work with all the Assistant Principals and closely with the other secretarial staff, our teachers, our counselors, transportation, and other Noblesville employees. I support them all in meeting the many needs of our student body. I take the “services” part of my title very seriously and try to help all.
Q: How did you come to find this job?
A: I’m a journalism major from University of Missouri and worked in Communications for 20 years. Communication jobs usually don’t follow regular business hours so there is a lot of weekend and weeknight work. I decided after 20 years that I wanted a more regular schedule, so I applied for the new secretary position at the Freshman Campus when it was established in 2006.