It could have been us
NHS students share their reasons for participating in the nationwide walkout
Photo by Marin Thomas
March 14, 2018
“I’m out here for the people who can’t be out here.” -Elise McIntyre, Grade 9
“If the government [is] not going to do something…then we have to do something ourselves.” -Valerie Clark, Grade 12
“I think that sometimes we need to nationally come together. Thoughts and prayers aren’t enough.” -Shelby Tyler, Grade 11
“Enough is enough. It’s time that our lawmakers make a change. I’m tired of going to school and worrying that it’s going to be our school next.” -Joseph Gassensmith, Grade 10
“[I’m walking out] because everybody’s lives matter.” -Allison Warren, Grade 10
“There’s very few instances, especially in Noblesville, Indiana, where you have an opportunity to be a part of something that means something, and that’s going to change the world. Being able to stand up and speak for the victims of gun violence who don’t have the chance to speak for themselves is really important and it’s a responsibility that we all have. Even from a place so far away from the shootings, [they] still matter. ” – Grace Wiles, Grade 10
“I’m tired of kids my age getting shot. I believe we should have more regulations on gun control, specifically automatic weapons. This is as much voice as we have, and it’s just proving a point.”-Nash Calvin, Grade 12
“I feel like it’s time to see a change from our government in regards to shootings. We’re more than what we seem to be in the sense that we want our voices to be heard, and we want to be acknowledged.” -Ben Sturgeon, Grade 11
“I don’t think anyone wants this to happen again… I’m not doing this to disrupt education but to protect it.” -Cameron R. Smith, Grade 11
“I have nieces and nephews that are going to go through the school system and they should be able to come to school and be safe.” -Brienna Beer, Grade 12
“I really think teenagers are the future of the country and this world. If our parents aren’t going to do anything then we have to. This may not make a huge difference, but it’s our first step in making change.” -Camryn Barnett, Grade 11
“At school we should know that we are safe, and that we are in a safe community. For me personally, I know that my sister’s school had a shooting, so this has had a really big impact on me.” -Mikayla Ulery, Grade 11
“It’s just such a simple thing [to] be able to go to school without being killed. It’s just so outlandish, and it should not ever even be able to happen, and the fact that it’s happening so much is just unacceptable. If we’re offering public education, then people should be able to go to [school] without having to worry about being killed. We want to be able to feel safe, and by walking out we’re saying that we don’t feel safe.” -Claire Whitcomb, Grade 9
“It’s important that we remember the victims, because every time something like this happens they forget about it in like two months and nothing gets done. Nothing ever gets done. It’s important that something gets done and that we remember.” -Miranda Perkins, Grade 11