Show choir members at NHS write letters to the community of Parkland, Florida
Photo by Lexi Leisure
March 14, 2018
While some students took part in empathy week through walking out and sharing their voices, the NHS choir department wrote letters as their way of showing compassion. The freshman show choir, Sensation, spent the seventeen minutes of protest in reflection as they reached out to the community of Parkland, Florida. Freshman Lilliana Howell wrote her letter not in sympathy, but efforts to help the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students. “I wrote advice on how [they can] take care of themselves. I told them to take some time and calm themselves down and not forget about [the incident],” Howell said. Students used March 14th as a day to commemorate the victims and families of Parkland, Florida through protest, empathy, and the power of unity.