Five minutes of bliss
Taking time to treat yourself and your skin

February 18, 2019
That dreaded pimple at the tip of your nose, trying to look perfect for your perfect first date with that perfect guy or girl, or even that dreaded razor burn you get while trying to get a close clean shave. While there are thousands of commercial products that are easier if you are in a rush, often times natural remedies are much more affordable and less harsh on the body. Homemade remedies don’t have the harsh chemicals like the store-bought products do. When these recipes are DIY, you know what you are putting in and on your body. Many of these ingredients can be found at home.
How to avoid razor burn:
First, use a good body scrub to exfoliate (see below).
Second, use warm cloth with warm soapy water to open pores and to relax the skin. Skin gets irritated and cracked when it is too dry.
Third, use baby oil to soften and moisturize skin.
Then, use a moisturizing shaving cream or foam to calm the skin while shaving.
After, you are all lathered up with baby oil and shaving cream, use a sharp razor to get a close, clean shave.
After shaved, wash skin and then dab off with a clean towel.
Don’t forget to moisturize your legs after to avoid dry skin.
Body scrub recipe:
¼ cup of sugar
3 tablespoons of olive oil
A few drops of your favorite essential oil, (lavender or peppermint works best)
Mix all ingredients together and lightly rub mixture on damp skin. The sugar scrubs the dry and dead skin off, leaving skin soft and smooth, while olive oil moisturizes the skin. The essential oil calms the skin as well as smells amazing.
Face mask:
2 tablespoons of honey
3 teaspoons of baking soda
2 teaspoons of plain yogurt
Mix all ingredients together, spread a thin layer on your face and leave of for 10 – 15 minutes. Honey and yogurt soothes and calms the skin to make your face less red, while baking soda brightens skin.
How to calm your breathing during a panic attack:
Anxiety can get the best of all of us sometimes. Panic attacks, while scary, can be brought from a level 5 to a level 1 just by this simple trick. Grab a bottle of bubbles and go somewhere quiet or wherever you feel the most comfortable/safe. The goal is to blow the biggest bubble without it popping on the wand. To achieve this is, steadily and slowly blow into the wand while it’s about a foot away from your lips. The steady breathing slows your heartbeat and ultimately calms you down. The sound of the bubbles popping is super soothing too.