The Next Steps; NHS Seniors Share Their Advice and Plans for After High School

Kylee White and Kenzie Glass

     Looking back on senior year, the moments often remembered most by students are the homecoming parade, prom, graduation, and finally leaving the high school hallways. The eagerness surrounding these events can end up dying down after the time has come and gone. However, that doesn’t diminish the initial feeling of taking the next important step of students’ lives. College is right around the corner for these seniors, and the excitement for freshman year of college has quickly replaced the anticipation of saying goodbye to high school. When seniors think about their time in high school, the big question comes up: Now what?

     Leaving the comfort of Indiana, Ava Imel, NHS senior, plans on attending Eastern Michigan University with the hopes of getting a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a PhD in psychology.

     “I’m most excited to meet my roommate,” Imel said. “I am excited to get to know her and experience college life as a whole.” Imel says she is nervous about keeping track of her time management during college, but is looking forward to growing and living on her own.

     Also heading off to college is NHS senior Rhonice Williams, who plans on attending Indiana State University to study psychology.

     “Honestly, I’m most excited about the fact that even though I’m still going to be in school, this will be a fresh start,” Williams said.
     Williams says that she is excited to meet new people and be in a different environment, but still nervous for the experience.

     “I am slightly anxious because I don’t know what to expect and because I hope that I end up with the major I want instead of not knowing what I want, Williams said.

     NHS senior Jada Propst is taking her next step to Kenosha, Wisconsin. She plans to double major in environmental sciences and business at Carthage College.

     “The community at Carthage is so amazing and accepting, and I think it will be very refreshing to build up my own community within Carthage,” Propst said. She said she is excited to move on to new experiences and learn new lessons. Propst encourages others to keep an open mind when exploring college options.

     “There’s a whole new world out there to discover and, at least for me, it was super fun to see what colleges had to offer and how they differed from each other,” Propst said.