Maturing movies: How different movies have changed over time

Photo by Savanna Hill

The movie “Batman” is one of the many examples of newer and more advanced films of the century. For the better experience, movie theaters are the main place to watch the different movies.

Savanna Hill, Staff Writer

The evolution of the film industry is often seen through the audio, visuals, and effects from those miniature black and white screens. The films have all changed into the colorful and big screens hooking the audience as each sparkle lights in their eyes. As with all genres of movies such as comedy, romance, or action, each one differs from the way they appear to their audience. With all the technology and editing we now have, compared to what we had 40 years ago, upcoming movies including “Indiana Jones” or “Quantumania” have brought creativity and imagination to a whole new level.  

“Avatar: The Way of Water” movie aired during December of 2022, and from that movie, the plot, colors, light, and volume was a sight to see. On the other hand, another movie such as “Seahawk”, made in 1940 with a black and white screen, castles, knights, and the music played by an orchestra differing from the music that is played in newer movies. In comparison to movies like “Avatar” there is a drastic change between “Seahawk” and modern movies. Sophomore Adam Angelicchio has also given some sympathy for times like the 18th or 19th century but believes today’s movies are much more enjoyable.

“I wouldn’t really try to compare the older movies by film quality because that’s all they could do at the time. What I can compare is lack of emotion. For me, I feel like older movies were made [with] just one certain emotion, whether it’s fear, joy, sadness, so on and so forth. But with the new generation of movies, it’s a lot more than just happy or sad. It has a broader selection of feelings through the film,” Angelicchio said.

Opinions for different movies also play a role in attracting certain viewers, considering that we now have movies like “Black Adam”, “Top Gun: Maverick”, or the “John Wick” series, all being action related. Those films tend to brush off the movies like “The Breakfast Club”, or “Sixteen Candles”. The newer action films with hills of emotion catch the eye more than a regular romantic or comedic movie would.

“I like some old movies, but most old movies are bland so it’s hard for me to stay tuned into watching them. I think that movies in the 21st century are enjoyable. Not only because I think the film quality and the CGI is considerably better than say 40 years ago, but the story in itself is amazing,” Angelicchio said.

When Hollywood makes movies, the time and money going into each film all has to start with an idea. Just like any other type of art, such as photography, painting, they all have their different ways of attracting their viewers, and Hollywood producers take that into consideration when coming up with the scenery of such a movie, specifically using color and angles. For movies, it’s about making people feel like they are actually a part of a film .