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The online home of the Mill Stream and NHS News - Noblesville High School

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The online home of the Mill Stream and NHS News - Noblesville High School

Miller Media Now

The online home of the Mill Stream and NHS News - Noblesville High School

Miller Media Now

Marin Thomas, Features Editor

Marin Thomas, 2017-18 features editor of the Mill Stream, is a senior who joined staff her sophomore year. When not acting as a member on staff, she spends time adding to her photography and art portfolio, studying film, watching horrible cartoons, and stressing over her border collie – lab mix, Blue. She hopes to attend school out of state and study environmental science, psychology or journalism. She can be reached at

All content by Marin Thomas

One too many

Marin Thomas, Features Editor
March 8, 2018


Marin Thomas and Eli Maxwell
November 21, 2017
Two cow calfs during a summer day. This image is from the food documentary Cowspiracy.

From farm to food

Marin Thomas, Opinions Editor
March 16, 2017
Governor-Elect Eric Holcomb will assume office Jan. 11, 2017. His stated educational plans include “giv[ing] parents the freedom to choose in which school their child can best learn.”

An Unsettled Future for Education

Marin Thomas, Opinions Editor
January 17, 2017
Callie Hartig, a junior at NHS, socializes with friends before class starts. Throughout the last year, she has found it much easier to enjoy social situations.

Securing Insecurity

Marin Thomas, Opinions Editor
October 8, 2016
Izusa is a one year old female pitt bull/mastiff mix. She was recently adopted from the Humane Society for Hamilton County.

More pity, less bull

Marin Thomas, Opinions Editor
September 27, 2016
Sophomore Abbey Hackleman checks her chemistry grade (progress report). Her teacher, Bruick, allows the students to access a full record of grades through powerschool.

Failure is impossible

Marin Thomas, Assistant Web Manager
May 26, 2016
Isaacs edits a video for the Mayor’s Ball celebration. He entered his most recent movie in the Phantoscope contest.

Behind the camera

Marin Thomas, Assistant Web Editor
May 10, 2016

Prom: behind the scenes

Marin Thomas, Assistant Web Editor
March 7, 2016
Sophomore Alec Lefors teaches sophomore Madalyn Judah how to sign 'I love you'. The two have been good friends since summer of 2015

The sound of silence

Marin Thomas, Assistant Web Editor
February 10, 2016
Governor-Elect Eric Holcomb will assume office Jan. 11, 2017. His stated educational plans include “giv[ing] parents the freedom to choose in which school their child can best learn.

An Unsettled Future for Education

Marin Thomas, Opinions Editor
January 13, 2016
Sophomore Taylor Elks and twin Tristyn Elks stand back to back creating a physical metaphor of Taylors gender transition. Taylor claims that she has identitfied as a male as soon as she was capable of understanding gender.

Striving for acceptance

Marin Thomas, Staff Writer
September 4, 2015
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