“Fine Arts Friday” paints a new picture

Fine Arts Friday paints a new picture

Hannah Derleth, Copy Editor and Staff Writer

We’ve always had an academic clubs segment and a sports segment on our NHS News program… Now, we have “Fine Arts Friday,” which highlights the concerts and competitions within our fine arts department. Juniors Kelsey Bowyer and Jonathan “Peaches” Petro, the creative makers of NHSFAF, give us a better look.

Kelsey Bowyer and Jonathan "Peaches" Petro of Fine Arts Friday.
Kelsey Bowyer and Jonathan “Peaches” Petro of Fine Arts Friday.

Q: How did you get the idea?

Jonathan: Kelsey, me, and a few others worked on a video project for Music Theory our sophomore year. Mr. Thornbury saw how we used stop motion and a few other clever tricks in iMovie, and afterwards, he presented the idea to Mr. Akers. NHSFAF got the green light, so Mr. Thornbury asked us to head up the new project. He told us that it would air on the announcements once a week, and it’d bring at least one student into the spotlight every segment. Other than that, we had a lot of freedom with it.

Q: How do you choose your artists of the week?
Kelsey: Our artists come to us from two different ways. The first being that teachers select students in the different art and music departments and put their names on a list. They give us the list, and then we randomly select a name from it. However, if we find someone on social media who has some incredible talent, we try to get them in on a segment too. We try to balance the music students with the art students, but sometimes we’ll do two of the same group twice in a row. You never know who’ll be next.

Q: Anything else to tell your audience?
Kelsey:We enjoy bringing you guys the news from the fine arts department, thanks for all the support we get from you!