Mr. Noblesville takes the stage
February 13, 2015
Mr. Noblesville was a night full of humorous poetry, singing and acting, werewolves, Beyoncé impersonations and boys dressed as cheerleaders. It was a night that is likely not to be forgotten by the students of Noblesville High School.
Mr. Noblesville is the equivalent to Junior Miss National Pageant, where 13 senior boys of Noblesville High School all join together to compete to see who is the best of the best. The boys were judged based off on four segments. The night started off with a choreographed dance number, moved onto the talent segment, then a physique competition and ended with the interview portion.
Wellness teacher Deanna Fowler started the competition in 1997 to raise money for the school. The funds collected goes towards projects such as ice cream days at lunch and recognizing various groups at NHS.
“It was my brainchild, and I love watching the guys work together to learn the routines and just to have fun while entertaining the student body,” Fowler said.
Senior Isaiah Brock said he was surprised to win, considering the competition he went up against. His talent, singing, was new to him, and he said he had never sang in public before.
“Well, I had never really sang in front of anyone before, so I was a bit reluctant to but once I got up there, I couldn’t see anyone, and it was like singing in the shower,” Brock said.
Senior Jonathon Sharkey preformed a monologue about war in the world and how war should be more like a sports game, peaceful yet competitive. At the end of the night, he took home the title of second runner up. Although Sharkey did come in third, Sharkey said he joined the competition mainly for the fun and to end his senior year with a bang.
“I did it to make a fool of myself. I mean, I really didn’t care to win or not, I was just doing it for the fun, for the joy of it basically,” Sharkey said.
At the end of the night seniors Riley Poynter, who won Mr. Congeniality, and Brock were complimenting each other on their performances. “He’s (Riley) real funny, that slam poetry just killed me on the inside,” Brock said. “He’s just perfect,” said Poynter, and Brock returned the compliment.
Mr. Noblesville was just the beginning of a long list of memorable events for seniors during second semester as graduation quickly approaches.