Kids these days
Generation Z students cheer on NHS during a football game. These students are seen as lazy, ignorant, and spoiled by older generations. But are they?
October 12, 2017
An explanation as to why Generation Z isn’t as bad as everyone thinks
First, there were the Baby Boomers, followed by Generation X, then the Xennials, the Millennials, and now Generation Z.
My generation, Generation Z, consists of the children born during the late 90’s to the early 2000’s. We make up 25% of the population in the U.S., more than the baby boomers or millennials. We are the first generation to grow up with the wide spreading technology movement. However, our internet usage seems to be the biggest reason as to why other generations dislike us so much.
According to older age groups, Generation Z spends too much time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat and not enough time having face-to-face interactions. Our elders say that our screens are going to rot our brains and that we will never be able to be a part of society. The big misunderstanding is that, arguably, we are more in touch with the world around us. We literally have knowledge right at our fingertips. We are constantly participating in society by communicating through our social media accounts; We are hardly ever truly alone.
For the longest time, the Baby Boomers thought that “Generation X” was synonymous with the term “slacker,” but now some of the Gen X-ers are our parents. The same thing applies with the Xennials and Millennials. This type of criticism happens with each generation. The simple reasoning is that we don’t like change. Each generation has unique characteristics, and they think that they’re better than any other age group. We often blame society when things go wrong, but the fact of the matter is we too are a part of society. If you don’t like something, change it. Stop blaming other people for your mistakes. But if you’re still hung up about how terrible our generation is, blame the people who raised us and the people who raised the people who raised us and so on. Living on this planet is a group effort that we are all a part of, whether you like it or not. Age, race, gender, religion, and sexuality aside, we are all dependent on one another to get by.
Generation Z has grown up in a world where slavery has already been abolished, where women have the right to do anything a man can, and where marriage is legal between any two souls. We’ve been programmed to accept people the way they are and to look with our hearts instead of our eyes. I’d say that we’re doing alright.
And as for the incoming Gen Alphas, don’t worry. I think you’ll fit in with us just fine.