Artist of the Issue: Issue 2

Maudlin watches as she is instructed by Director Debbie Wittstein. Maudlin, as well as her cast mates, practice that afternoon with a dress rehearsal.

Photo by Photos by N. Copenhaver

Maudlin watches as she is instructed by Director Debbie Wittstein. Maudlin, as well as her cast mates, practice that afternoon with a dress rehearsal.

Nick Copenhaver, Staff Writer

Some artists paint or draw, while others tend express themselves with singing and dancing. They push themselves to do more in order to excel over their peers. But, some push harder than others.

Junior Katelyn Maudlin is an intensely involved singer and actress at NHS. Maudlin finds herself in many musical activities, such as this year’s production of Godspell.

“I’m a major choir nerd,” Maudlin said.

Maudlin has been involved in music since she was in 7th grade, and wishes to extend her music education into bigger and better things, such as Broadway musicals.

Maudlin strikes a pose during practice. She has performed in Godspell with the Belfry Theater of Noblesville previous to this production

“That is the highest level you can be at as an actor or actress,” Maudlin said.

And with that goal in mind, Maudlin weighs in her options with a career in music education.
Maudlin works at this goal, performing in multiple school choirs this year such as, NHS Singers, Varsity Show Choir and Mad Jazz. She also finds new ways to extend her learning and push herself to do more, such as working backstage for youth productions.

“I don’t think people backstage get enough credit,” Maudlin said. “That is equally as hard as being onstage.”

And her hard work does not go unnoticed, Theater Director Mrs. Wittstein said,

“She is always on top of what she has planned and she’s always contributing.”

As well as working throughout the school year, Maudlin finds herself continuing to work during the summer. Maudlin has appeared in many productions at the Belfry Theater, such as Cinderella, To Kill a Mockingbird and a previous production of Godspell.

And though Maudlin has experience with Godspell, she still finds the need to become her role.

“I go in and circle important words and write down how I’m supposed to be feeling and how I react to other lines.”

And it shows. “She always knows her lines and music.” Wittstein said.

Maudlin believes all this work pays off in the the end, and says if you want to make it big,
“Get involved with shows now so you can develop your skills. It always looks good once you start putting together a resumé, even if it’s background roles.”