A senior goodbye


Adam Van Dam, Entertainment Editor

Live A Life You Will Remember
This one is for all who need some inspiration.
I received a message from someone a few months back telling me her life story. How she was depressed. How she was ripped from her hometown, moved, and bullied. How her depression halted her ability to carry on, and how she ultimately stumbled across my social media accounts which reminded her of how precious life really is. What I said to her was what I had learned from my biggest inspiration, and that is to “live a life you will remember.” This means committing yourself to living life to the fullest and making each and every day count. It means not caring about what others think and just doing what you love to do. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there and to create what you love. Who cares if people judge you? As long as you are happy, you are doing it right.

This one is for all who have or want friends.
Starting freshman year, I had few, maybe no friends. I remember walking down the halls, headphones on full blast, not daring to make eye contact with anyone for fear I’d fall into an awkward conversation with them. But as the days went on, I soon came to realize that many people were in the same boat as I. So I took that leap and started to put myself out there to make friends. Fast forward four years… I am now in my last week of school surrounded by a group of friends I can’t stand the thought of losing. My friends have always been there for me. They believed in me and shaped me when I was lost. Some people say that I inspire them, but the fact of the matter is that I’m the way I am because of these people. My life is just a reflection of my friends. But when the time comes and your best friend is about to move across the country and make all new friends, don’t be sad that they’re gone; be happy that they were here all along.

This one is for all the drama queens and their victims.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in high school is that DRAMA IS NOT WORTH THE TIME AND EFFORT. The people with whom you surround yourself are suppose to build you up, not tear you down. So if you find yourself stuck in an unhealthy
position, and there is no more growing to be done within that clique, then go off and find your own group. You are in a school of more than 2,800 students and a town of more than 56,000 people. Why choose to surround yourself with negativity when there are plenty of good people all around you?

Pain & The Feat Of Overcoming
This one is for those who are suffering through some type of pain.
Going into my freshman year, I spent the entire summer feeling bad for myself for something that was out of my control. But one day I woke up and realized that I was just given a clean slate to reinvent myself. I made all new friends, stayed as far away from as much drama as I could, and bought the infamous GoPro video camera. These decisions took me into an entire new world I never could’ve imagined. So no matter what you’re going through, big or small, you can overcome it by following your passion and creating a new you. It’s never too late to restart, because in the end, you create your own happiness. Pain is inevitable, but
suffering is optional.

This one is for saying goodbye.
I am proud to call myself a Miller. Without this school, I never would have never found my closest friends. I never would have had my best of times and my worst of times. This is the place that guided me toward what I love and taught me what I want to do with the rest of my life. Thank you to my friends who stayed by my side. Thank you to the teachers who never gave up on me. And thank you to Noblesville High School for creating an environment for me to grow. This is and will forever be my home.